Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hello, News-Virginian....

It's official.

After divorcing the News Leader, I'm now a subscriber of the Waynesboro News-Virginian. Because we already subscribe to the sister Richmond Times-Dispatch, the same carrier will deliver both newspapers on a daily basis.

After prepaying for one year in advance, we're set to go ... local news again at my front door. Hello, News-Virginian!


Spank That Donkey said...

If he brought the Washington Times you could actually get news...

I read the RTD the other day, and it's the same AP Leftist clap trap against our efforts to spread democracy in the middle east...

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Since Ross Mackenzie left in January the TD is definitely not as conservative as it once was. However, they are much more so than most other larger-city papers. It gives me the news from home and keeps me up with politics out of Richmond.

Anonymous said...

Bob Stuart among othrs, always seem to be more reliable at actual, factual news than some other, ... 'sources'...

Charlie Fugate said...

When I lived in NOVA, the Washington Times was a daily read. Nothing better than starting the day with a cup of coffee and the Times.