Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How beautiful is the Valley!

Looking out over the Blue Ridge Mountains....
Two beautiful fall days in a row ... sunny, temps in lower 70s, breezy.

"Just as the mountains surround and protect Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds and protects his people." -- Psalm 125: 2

Alleghany Mountains ... western Augusta.

Pastures District in western Augusta County.

Photos by SWAC Girl

Facebook ... it's growing on me....

After a bumpy start, Facebook is growing on me as I meet up with many people I have known through various walks in life. Tonight I "met" Crystal Clear Conservative and we discovered we will both be attending the Americans For Prosperity "Defending the American Dream" summit in NoVa in October. I have admired her conservative blogging so will soon be able to meet her in person.

I joined Facebook to keep up with the politicians! Most have their own Facebook pages now and, though it is something I thought was mainly for the young folks, more and more parents are hopping on-board.

Many of the teens-now-twenty-somethings I worked with during my ten years as teen coordinator of the local home schooling group are on Facebook so it is a great way to keep up with the ones who are in college, those who have graduated, and those who are in the military. Most I have known since they were in elementary school; some have even married and started families of their own.

Then there are the home school students who are still in school ... I am teaching a co-op class in government this fall to 9-12th graders.

A number of home schooling parents are also on Facebook so it offers another way for us to stay in touch with one another ... those friends who have stayed together throughout the years of educating our children and whom, I suspect, will always be a part of my life.

Political acquaintances are another group on Facebook. Bloggers are on there, too ... look at Crystal Clear Conservative finding me and now we've hooked up as friends!

Facebook ... a new generation of communication.

McCain-Palin new TV ad: "Rein"

John McCain fought to rein in mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, years before the current crisis. A new McCain-Palin TV ad highlights that fight.

From the McCain-Palin campaign ...

ARLINGTON, VA -- Today, McCain-Palin 2008 released its latest television ad, entitled "Rein." The ad highlights John McCain's record of fighting to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. While John McCain was fighting to rein in these mortgage giants, Barack Obama was taking their campaign contributions, their advice and staying silent. As former President Clinton stated, responsibility for this crisis lies in part on those who prevented reforms and stayed silent. The ad will be televised nationally.

View the ad HERE.

Read the script for "Rein" (TV 1:00):
ANNCR: John McCain fought to rein in Fannie and Freddie.

The Post says: McCain "pushed for stronger regulation"..."while Mr. Obama was notably silent."

But, Democrats blocked the reforms.

Loans soared.

Then, the bubble burst.

And, taxpayers are on the hook for billions.

Bill Clinton knows who is responsible.

PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: "I think the responsibility that the Democrats have may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was President to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."

ANNCR: You're right, Mr. President. It didn't have to happen.

JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.
Ad facts: Script for "Rein" (TV 1:00):
ANNCR: John McCain fought to rein in Fannie and Freddie. The Post says: McCain "pushed for stronger regulation"..."while Mr. Obama was notably silent." But, Democrats blocked the reforms.

· In 2006, John McCain Said Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac Were "Deeply In Need Of Reform." "Mr. President, the OFHEO report also states that Fannie Mae used its political power to lobby Congress in an effort to interfere with the regulator's examination of the company's accounting problems. This report comes some weeks after Freddie Mac paid a record $3.8 million fine in a settlement with the Federal Election Commission and restated lobbying disclosure reports from 2004 to 2005. These are entities that have demonstrated over and over again that they are deeply in need of reform." (Office Of U.S. Senator John McCain, "McCain Statement On Co-Sponsorship Of The Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act Of 2005," Press Release, 5/26/06)

· John McCain Cosponsored The Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act Of 2005. "'Mr. President, this week Fannie Mae's regulator reported that the company's quarterly reports of profit growth over the past few years were "illusions deliberately and systematically created" by the company's senior management, which resulted in a $10.6 billion accounting scandal. ... I join as a cosponsor of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, S. 190, to underscore my support for quick passage of GSE regulatory reform legislation." (Office Of U.S. Senator John McCain, "McCain Statement On Co-Sponsorship Of The Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act Of 2005," Press Release, 5/26/06)

· John McCain Co-Sponsored The Federal Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2003 Which Would Have Created The Office of Federal Enterprise Supervision In The Treasury, And Given The New Office's Director Supervisory And Regulatory Authority Over Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac. (S. 1508, Introduced 7/31/03)

· The Washington Post: In 2006, John McCain Pushed For Fannie And Freddie Regulation "While Mr. Obama Was Notably Silent." "In 2006, he pushed for stronger regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- while Mr. Obama was notably silent. 'If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole,' Mr. McCain warned at the time." (Editorial, "'Always For Less Regulation'?" The Washington Post, 9/19/08)

· Sen. Dodd Called The President's Suggestions For Regulations On Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac "Inane" And Recommended The President "Immediately Reconsider His Ill-Advised" Proposals. "As recently as last summer, when housing prices had clearly peaked and the mortgage market had started to seize up, Dodd called on Bush to 'immediately reconsider his ill-advised' reform proposals. Frank, now chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said that the president's suggestion for a strong, independent regulator of Fannie and Freddie was 'inane.'" (Al Hubbard and Noam Neusner, Op-Ed, "Where Was Sen. Dodd?" The Washington Post, 9/12/08)

· "In 2000, Then-Rep. Richard Baker Proposed A Bill To Reform Fannie And Freddie's Oversight. Mr. Frank Dismissed The Idea, Saying Concerns About The Two Were 'Overblown' And That There Was 'No Federal Liability There Whatsoever.'" (Editorial, "Fannie Mae's Patron Saint," The Wall Street Journal, 9/10/08)

ANNCR: Loans soared. Then, the bubble burst. And, taxpayers are on the hook for billions.

· "How Washington Failed To Rein In Fannie, Freddie" (Binyamin Appelbaum, Carol D. Leonnig and David S. Hilzenrath, "How Washington Failed to Rein In Fannie, Freddie," The Washington Post, 9/14/08)

· "Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending" (Steven A. Holmes, "Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending," The New York Times, 9/30/99)

· "Mortgage Giants Were Blind To Housing Risks" ("Mortgage Giants Were Blind To Housing Risks," The Associated Press, 9/8/08)

ANNCR: Bill Clinton knows who is responsible. PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: "I think the responsibility that the Democrats have may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was President to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." ANNCR: You're right, Mr. President. It didn't have to happen. JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.

· Former President Bill Clinton: "I think the responsibility that the Democrats have may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress, or by me when I was President, to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." (ABC's "Good Morning America," 9/25/08)

Delivering signs throughout SWAC area....

Augusta Springs ...

Craigsville ...

Estaline Valley ...
Buffalo Gap ...
Alex Davis anchors sign ....
Morris Mill Road ...
Churchville ...
Craigsville ...
Photos by SWAC Girl

Congressman Bob Goodlatte voted no on bailout

Congressman Bob Goodlatte (VA-6th District) voted against a financial bailout on Monday. His response to that vote:
“The crisis in the financial markets is a serious and real one. However, the way we address this crisis is critical to the long term future of our economy. I believe the legislation offered today, the revised Paulson Plan, was not the solution to our financial problems. This legislation, which I voted against, represents the largest corporate bailout in American history. It takes $700 billion dollars of taxpayers’ hard-earned money and hands it over to the very companies that made the bad decisions which led us into this mess in the first place. I have consulted with many economic experts, bankers, as well as small and large businesses, workers and citizens of the 6th District to come to this decision.

"I believe that there are other ways to help stabilize the economy. For example, I would support legislation that addresses the problems of Wall Street while at the same time protecting those on Main Street. I am supportive of initiatives to require the Treasury Department to insure mortgage-backed securities, funding the measure through premiums provided by the industry, rather than on the backs of taxpayers. In addition, we must eliminate the government-imposed mark-to-market accounting regulations that artificially devalue assets in times of market instability such as this. These are just two examples of how this legislation could be improved.

"Congress must stay in session until we reach an agreement which addresses the instability in our financial markets while protecting the American taxpayers. I remain committed to working with Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle to address our current financial crisis.”
Cross-posted at SixtyFour81.com

Waynesboro's Coyner Springs Park

Coyner Springs Park, Waynesboro, VA

Inside picnic shelter which has two fireplaces.

Looking out window of picnic shelter toward springs....

Picnic shelter....

The Coyner Springs....

Old stone bridge over springs....

As described the the Waynesboro Recreation and Parks Department, "This rustic park where it is not unusual to share the fresh country air with numerous wildlife such as red-tailed hawks, woodpeckers, squirrels, fox, and even a deer or two, was developed as a picnic area and is well supplied with picnic tables, grills, and a large picnic pavilion. Volleyball, horseshoes, and family reunions and company picnics are popular activities in this park."

Photos by SWAC Girl
September 29, 2008

GOP signs in SWAC area....

Alex Davis and I spent all Monday traveling the SWAC area from the Blue Ridge to the Alleghanies putting out Republican signs for our candidates. Dark drove us home ... but we left signs all over the place including the "I Am Voting For The Chick" signs. These signs are on Rt. 254 in Augusta County.
Northern Augusta County....
Gilmore signs were popular wherever we went....

South River District....

Beverley Manor District Chairman David Karaffa's house....

Alex looks at a sign he just planted in the ground....

Photos by SWAC Girl

Monday, September 29, 2008

Part 4 ... Over 4,000 attend Eric Cantor's 2008 Republican Round-Up

Jim Gilmore electrifies the crowd as Bill Bolling and Bob McDonnell look on. I couldn't get closer for a photo because of the large crowd of over 4,000.

Lots of entertainment for the little ones....
Tents were set up after three days of rain ... the ground was soggy was spirits were high.

The crowd listens to Bill Bolling, Bob McDonnell, and Jim Gilmore.
More fun for the little ones....
Diners lined up for Brock's BBQ.
Balloons and fall decor helped build the festive mood of the Round-Up.
Almost 4,000 hotdogs and countless pounds of BBQ were consumed.
Royal Blue entertained the crowd.

More photos to follow....

Previous photos of 2008 Republican Round-Up: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Photos by SWAC Girl

Franklin Graham addressed Augusta County residents Sunday

SWAC Daughter and Alex Davis arrived at the church early Sunday morning to be assured of getting good seats in the sanctuary to hear Franklin Graham address Augusta area residents ... and they were rewarded with a seat on the fifth row of pews.

The son of Billy Graham, Franklin was there to honor his great-great-great-great-grandfather who had served as pastor of the church from 1791-1818. Over 1,000 people had tickets.

A story in today's Waynesboro News Virginian gives more details of the sermon held at Tinkling Spring Presbyterian Church in Fishersville. When SWAC Daughter was asked how the sermon was, she replied that it was very inspirational and she enjoyed hearing the history of how Franklin Graham was connected to the church.

Franklin is now President and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

Part 3 ... Bob McDonnell: Over 4,000 attend Eric Cantor's 2008 Republican Round-Up

Next Governor of Virginia Bob McDonnell
with SWAC Husband

Kathy Terry, Bob McDonnell, AFP's Ben Marchi

Bob McDonnell talked with everyone standing in line to speak with him.

VA Federation of Republican Women's Brenda Campbell.

Steve Waters.

Patsy Drain from 11th District and Marie Quinn from 7th District.
Ken Castleberry from 7th District.
RPV's Shawn Pattison ... thanks for all you do!

7th District Chair Linwood Cobb talks with 5th District Chair Tucker Watson.

More photos to follow....

Previous posts about 2008 Republican Round-Up: Part 1 and Part 2.

Photos by SWAC Girl