Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Allen-Webb Debate ... the statesman and the boxer....

A political junkie's dream-come-true....

Quick! Someone pinch me! There were three Senate campaign debates and I was offered the opportunity to attend each one -- a political junkie's dream-come-true -- first at the Homestead, then Fairfax, and finally in Richmond.

Tonight I had the pleasure of sitting in the studio audience at WCVE-TV in Richmond to observe the last debate between Senator George Allen and Jim Webb. What a contrast in styles between the two men! One is the statesman; the other is not. One has a civil presence about him; the other has a smugness that betrays a short fuse. One has worked his way up through the ranks to become Senator to the people of Virginia; the other skipped the preliminaries and is trying to jump to the top. One shows he knows his stuff; the other just shows his stuff. One looks at ease; the other's neck flares and he looks as if his head will pop off his shoulders! Those observations were the same in the first debate, then the second, and now the third. Nothing has changed.

Not much new came out of this debate. And I could just scream if I hear another question about "macaca" or the "n" word ... haven't we covered that ground a number of times already? For pete's sake ... I'm ready to move to new territory. Let's talk issues!

Where were the questions about North Korea's nuclear possibilities? We may have nukes from a raging lunatic falling on our heads ... and they're asking questions about macaca! The most important thing in our lifetime if national security ... and they are still worrying about some made-up word. Puh-leeze!

Short and sweet: Who will keep me safe? George Allen. Who will protect our country from terrorism? George Allen. Who will watch out for our troops and bring them home when their mission is complete? George Allen. If we're not safe from terrorism at home, nothing else matters. Jim Webb has joined the Democrats and their worn-out playbook on national security: do nothing and hope for the best. Thanks ... but no thanks.

The Senator and Webb checked out the debate area at 7:20 while the audience of about 200 was still trickling in. At 7:50 they re-entered the studio and settled behind their respective podiums waiting for the 8:00 start.

The difference between the two was evident, once again, from the opening statements. George Allen began by thanking his wife Susan and those who put the debate together and those attending, and then listed his accomplishments in the past and what he hoped to achieve in the future. Webb came out of the box swinging - making accusations, denying, negatives.

The very first question after the opening statements went to Senator Allen and asked, with 2,700 Americans killed in Iraq and hundreds injured, did he still think we should stay the course in the War on Terrorism. Senator Allen mentioned Augusta County resident Rhonda Winfield who was sitting on the front row in the audience and the fact that her son had died in Iraq ... and that she supported George Allen in saying we should not retreat from Iraq. He reemphasized that we are not occupiers in Iraq but, rather, liberators who will go home when Iraq has control of their country. Webb name-dropped and said we needed a "diplomatic" solution but didn't spell out what that solution would be.

Both candidates covered familiar ground that we have all heard throughout the campaign. Webb liked to drop Republican names such as James Baker and John Warner, two that he mentioned multiple times. He also reverted to his familiar butting-in and talking over George Allen on several occasions. At one point during the period when each candidate asked questions of the other, they got into a verbal tug-of-war before the moderator finally stepped in. In that exchange, George Allen had asked a question of Jim Webb who danced all around it ... so Allen was trying to get Webb to answer the question ... which never happened.

Jim Webb doesn't answer questions. He evades them, uses phrases and words that make little sense in the context of the question; he uses up the clock in that way and, when all is said and done, we don't know anymore than we did before he started talking.

Webb still thinks the U.S. needs the "respect of the world" in treatment of terrorist suspects, and thinks we need to pull out of Iraq. (I don't want him in charge of my safety.) He tried to trip up Senator Allen with a "Craney Island" get-back question ... but it fell flat. I knew that was coming; was surprised it didn't happen at the last debate. Pick any obscure place in the world and ask about it ... unlike Craney Island which is in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia and directly affects Virginians.

The Marriage Amendment: There is no denying now where each candidate stands on this very important issue on November's ballot. When asked if he supported the Marriage Amendment, Webb said no, that he opposed it "just as Governor Kaine" ... on legal and religious grounds, and he used the untrue statement that it takes away rights. Senator Allen responded that the most important institution is the family ... and he strongly supported the Marriage Amendment because it would protect Virginians from activist judges.

I was impressed when George Allen ended with his closing statement and thanked everyone for their encouragement and prayers, and said it was a sacred trust to serve the people of Virginia.

Webb's closing statement blamed George Allen for being one of this administration's "blindest supporters." He also said the GOP had lost its way on national security and encouraged those disillusioned to "come home." Bro-ther! If the democrat party is "home" then you're sunk!

I came away from this debate with even more respect for our Senator than before ... and less respect for Jim Webb partly because he has allowed his paid minions in the blogs to continue to dig for personal Allen family details and exploit them on the internet. He has not called for them to halt or be more responsible in their blogging. I think of the honorable man George Allen is, and I think of how Jim Webb has allowed the liberal dems to destroy politics as we knew it in Virginia ... and I am disgusted.

Paul Galanti, chairman of Veterans for Allen, atended the debate along with other veterans. I sat beside Bob Holsworth who is, in my opinion, the next "Larry Sabato" since Sabato is limping around these days after shooting himself in the foot on national TV two weeks ago.

I, for one, am glad the debates are behind us and we can now campaign on issues. We have four weeks until Election Day. It's time to work those phones, man headquarters, write those letters to the editor, and do everything necessary to bring this game to a winning conclusion. Come on, Team! Let's win it for George!!

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