Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Leftie Lib Stalking George Allen

The Ward View has a great post on the stalker at the George Allen appearance in Charlottesville.

This is the same stalker who tracked down the Senator at the Staunton Holiday Inn, the same stalker who said he's a 37-year-old law student at UVa, the same stalker who called on and raised thousands of dollars from his fellow lefies who read the leftie-lib Daily Kos with the intention of causing further disruption in the Virginia senator's race. This stalker posts constantly on the Daily Kos. He has made it a profession to call into and disrupt conservative radio talk shows, and shares that info with other leftie libs so they, too, can be just as rude as he is. See the video link and photo on Ward's post of how this stalker operates.

This is the same stalker who declared war on The Augusta Free Press when he didn't agree with something Chris Graham wrote, causing a couple hundred of his fellow Lefties to spam Chris with emails. This is also the same obsessive stalker who calls those of us who are conservatives "wing-nut cases." Check out Ward's post and see the stalker.

There are serious safety issues involved when stalkers like that track down our public officials.

It wasn't that long ago that Presidents of the United States were free to walk the streets of America ... today they need massive security.

How long before the same happens to our Senators and Congressmen ... because of the fear of people like the Charlottesville stalker causing bodily harm to our elected officials? The stalker had a bag over his shoulder ... who's to know if there was a weapon in there ... or what the man's intentions were when he lunged toward the Senator?

This stalker is representative of the Party that wants to be in charge of our National Security. This stalker is representative of the Party that wants to be in charge of our country.

If you care about who is in charge of our government ... vote on November 7.

Update: SpankThatDonkey and United Conservatives have takes on this story.

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