Sunday, March 11, 2007

"John Boy Walton" coming home to Virginia....

Remember John Boy and Mary Ellen and Jim-Bob? Elizabeth, Erin, Jason ... Ike Godsey and Verdie? Grandma and Grandpa? The Baldwin sisters and Rev. Fordwick, played by John Ritter? And, of course, John and Olivia Walton played by Ralph Waite and Michael Learned. They all were the main characters of "The Waltons."

I loved "The Waltons," the extremely popular 1970s TV drama that took place in fictitious Walton Mountain, Virginia (actually Schuyler in Nelson County). It showcased the struggles and joys of a rural Virginia family during the Depression years with plentiful references to real-life landmarks such as Charlottesville, the Rockfish Valley, and Richmond.

Earl Hamner, creator of "The Waltons" who was portrayed by the character "John Boy," played by actor Richard Thomas, will be coming home to Nelson County on Sunday, March 25. He will visit the Rockfish Valley Community Center to head up a fund raiser, reading from his latest book "Generous Women." A reception will be held at 3:00 with the book reading to take place at 4:00. Tickets are $10 each with proceeds going toward supporting the theater. Anyone interested in attending may obtain more information and reservations by calling (434) 361-1999.

That Virginia blood ... those Virginia roots ... they always pull you home....

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