Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The British Jihadist ... from fish-&-chips to burkas & shoe-bombers....

This lead-in to an article titled "Londonistan Calling" by Christopher Hitchens in the June 2007 Vanity Fair caught my eye:

The London neighborhood of the author's youth, Finsbury Park, is now one of the breeding grounds for a new phenomenon: the British jihadist. How did a nation move from cricket and fish-and-chips to burkas and shoe-bombers in a single generation?

Recalling the 7/7/05 bombings that rocked London, killed 52, and showed the world that Britain was also suffering the same terrorism issues as America, I started reading. The takeover by Muslim radicals has occurred quickly. This article offers insight into what to expect in America if we don't clamp down on these people....

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