Monday, June 04, 2007

Can you say "backlash"?

How very interesting. My phone and email have been going non-stop this morning with folks contacting us to offer their support and encouragement for the Scott Sayre campaign.

And here's a first. I've been receiving phone calls from people all morning ASKING to work the polls on June 12!!!

That's a first even for THIS political junkie. There's something going on out there, folks....

Bloggers 4 Sayre
Spank That Donkey
Sayre For Senate


James Atticus Bowden said...

Do you think the 'backlash' is about Hanger's support for illegal aliens?

The truth will out.

Steve Harkonnen said...

Good luck with Sayre. I, on the other hand, just aren't that much into local politics. I wish I had more time to participate. However, I'll be definitely voting for him.

As for my choice in national candidate, it has changed from Mitt Romney to Fred Thompson.


Because he's the new Republican Ronald Reagan. He won't stand for the crap that Bush puts up with.

Bush is a complete failure, but that is just my opinion. I dislike him for his "Islam is a religion of peace" statement and he panders the enemy far too much.

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Jim, I think part of the backlash is over Hanger's stand on illegal immigration ... and part is the distaste for the ugly politics coming out of the Hanger camp.

The personal attacks on volunteers as well as personal attacks on Sayre family members and employees is uncharted territory in the Valley. It smacks of NoVA tactics and people are recoiling in horror at the way the Hanger supporters are behaving.

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Steve, thanks for your support. Please urge everyone to vote June 12 because, as we all know, it will come down to turnout. The Hanger camp is urging democrats to turn out; our Republicans have to come out in force to vote for Scott Sayre!!

James Atticus Bowden said...

SWAC: Yankee is as Yankee does.

Anonymous said...

You got that right, my friend.