Monday, June 04, 2007

Sayre campaign staying on message....

Sayre for Senate headquarters found all hands on deck Sunday as we enjoyed the remnants of Tropical Storm Barry in the Shenandoah Valley. A mostly-gentle rain fell all day with cool temps and occasional gusts -- perfect for working headquarters lining up last-minute tasks as we enter the final week of this race.

Scott hasn't slowed down. The volunteers haven't slowed down. More volunteers are being recruited; signs are being delivered; the message is getting out there as everyone keeps a positive, upbeat attitude. There's a couple of fun items this week that we're looking forward to and, of course, there will be lots of work.

Those of us who have been up to our elbows in campaigns throughout the years are hunkering down; our new volunteers who haven't been through this are learning how intense the process becomes in the final days. There's something exhilerating and tiring all at the same time and, yet, we pull together, working as a team, at a time when everything is on the line ... forging friendships and respect that in most cases lasts beyond campaign season.

Burning the after-midnight oil at HQs ... 9 days left....

Sayre for Senate

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