Saturday, July 21, 2007

RPV's new chairman & treasurer....

Spent the entire day in Richmond so haven't had time to post anymore about the counter-rally to Cindy Sheehan yesterday in Charlottesville. More on that tomorrow....

In Richmond, a longer-than-usual State Central meeting produced a new chairman. Former Lt. Governor John Hager won in an election against Charlie Judd, the current Executive Director, and Chuck Smith, Virginia Beach GOP Chairman. Judd will remain as ED. I expect to hear good things in the future from Chuck Smith ... he has an impressive resume. Congratulations to Lt. Governor Hager.

A new treasurer was also elected. Rick Neel, former RPV treasurer and Party activist since the 1960s, was elected to serve once again in the position he had previously held. I was honored when Rick asked that I second his nomination. He ran against Ray Ergenbright who is currently on the audit committee. Congratulations to Rick Neel.

I had the pleasure of sitting beside state CR Chairman Jarrett Ray who is from the Valley and attends James Madison University. He's working with Delegate Matt Lohr in the Harrisonburg/Rockingham area and gearing up for the new school year.

Got a hug from fellow blogger James Atticus Bowden from 1st District. Jim opened the SCC meeting with prayer and asked that we remember his co-worker who is terminally ill with cancer.

Tom Foley in the 1st District bought 50 Win the War signs to take to his area. He got a sign at our March meeting, put it in his yard, and has had inquiries about it ever since. Good man ... helping to spread the message.

Lunch was provided afterwards which was especially enjoyed by those who had long distances to drive back home. It was good to have Augusta Chairman Kurt Michael go with me today to the meeting.

Congratulations once again to the new leadership at SCC.

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