Sunday, August 19, 2007

Lt. Cameron Hall, USN: We are thankful for your service

A tribute from a friend or coworker tells much about a person ... and this comment left in memory of Lt. Cameron Hall who was killed in the Navy plane crash Wednesday bears that out. Written as a comment for the post, "In memory of Lt. Cameron N Hall, U.S. Navy," Maura said:

I'm so sorry, so very sorry. It's unfair. I'm a physiologist at the Naval Air Systems Command, currently in Norfolk but based out of Patuxent River NAS. I knew Cameron and am still shocked at the news. I worked with him for a short time at the end of 2005, while he was still at VAW-117. What a memorable, vibrant, feisty, funny, and likable guy! He helped make my work at Pt. Mugu worthwhile; he showed me around, made the introductions, made plenty of jokes, and made sure I was able to get things done. I wish his family and friends peace, and I hope they find some comfort in the fact that Cameron touched many others with his energy and kindness. He had a smile that lit up a room. He made me and others laugh a lot. His life was not in vain. He won't be forgotten. Regards, Maura Rudy
Cameron's family will find comfort in Maura's words. He sounded like an extraordinary young man, and we are thankful for his service to our country....

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