Sunday, August 26, 2007

Yellow Dog roundup by ODBA members....

As the Yellow Dog scandal continues to unfold, many ODBA members (and others in the blogosphere) are commenting.

Greg at Black Velvet Bruce Li has a complete recap of the events from the past several days at Roscoe Reynolds Steps In It.

Grumpy's Gripes writes that Baby Benny makes a threat… LOL you crack me up.

The Ward View rounds up all the Democrat response to the ODBA press release and then adds Sing along with Roscoe: Oh where oh where did that Yellow Dog go?

Jim at Deo Vindice says Dems and libs should step away from the Yellow Dog.

Jason at J's Notes writes Joe Stanley, Ben Tribbett, and lowering the bar and wants to know where Joe Stanley's clients stand now?

Flora at United Conservatives of Virginia posts Joe Stanley, NAMBLA, and Democrats.

Carl at Spark It Up!!! asks Hey Roscoe! Where did the Yellow Dog go?

Leslie Carbone also has a very complete roundup ... Stupid Yellow Dog Tricks.

Isophorone has the ODBA press release and then takes the whole Yellow Dog crew to the wood shed.

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