Monday, September 03, 2007

BREAKING NEWS ... excerpts of President Bush's remarks in Anbar Province, Iraq

Taken from remarks made by President George W. Bush in Iraq....

I was told in the summer of 2006 that Anbar Province was hopeless ... but the citizens organized themselves and took on the terrorists and asked for American support in that fight ... as a result many local leaders who had once fought our forces began to fight with our forces against al Qaida ... 2,000 American Marines were sent in for reenforcements ... drove al Quaida out of its strongholds ... today violence is down in Iraq, police are more in control of the streets, people are seeing that standing up to the extremists is a path to a better life, and that success is possible ... look forward to hearing from triblal leaders today who fought against the terrorists and are rebuilding communities ... Anbar provincial council has reestablished itself and President will talk with them.

America will not abandon the Iraqi people. We share a common goal ... a free Iraq. We can't take this progress for granted ... in Anbar and across Iraq enemies of freedom will continue to try to kill the innocent in order to try and impose their dark regime....

I would urge members of both Parties in Congress to listen to what Gen. David Petraeus and others have to say about Iraq. When you stand on the ground of Anbar and talk with the people you can see what the future of Iraq is.

For all the differences over the war, it is working. I plan to work to bring America together with a common vision for a more stable and peaceful Middle East.

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