Monday, September 03, 2007

BREAKING NEWS ... President Bush addresses troops in Iraq

Entering the chow hall today surrounded by American troops, President George W. Bush received a rousing response of applause and cheers from the troops in Anbar Province, Iraq. His remarks to the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces expressed thankfulness to the military and gratefulness to their families. In heartwarming remarks, he began:

"Today is Labor Day back home ... so I thought I would stop by to thank you for all your hard work!"
A roar of approval arose from the military crowd.

The President continued by thanking them for their sacrifice, for volunteering to be there, and for their courage in the face of danger. He said that we would not draw down our troops until we have strength and success ... that to do otherwise would embolden our enemies who then may attack us at home. He concluded by saying:

"The American people are standing with you. As your Commander in Chief I am proud to be in your presence on this Labor Day. May God bless you and may God bless America!"
Godspeed to the President and our troops.

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