Monday, September 24, 2007

Columbia University: This is what is wrong with higher education....

The powers that be at Columbia University ...
... will not allow ROTC or American military representatives on campus -- those very people who protect the liberties and safety of Columbia ...

... but will allow terrorist Iran President Ahmadinejad to be a guest and had the audacity to say Columbia is all about free speech and would have invited Hitler.
Free speech? While barring American military from their campus? Wonder if they would allow a chaplain to pray in the name of Jesus?

Freedom's Watch has been watching ... and has a new print advertisement in the New York Times protesting Ahmadinejad's visit.

Freedom's Watch President Bradley A. Blakeman said of the visit:
"Freedom's Watch could not sit back and allow a terrorist to come to America masquerading as a world leader. We have an obligation to warn the world of the dangers of a nuclear Iran and to uncover the true intent, that being, the destruction of the United States and the State of Israel. Let's be clear, Iran today kills American soldiers in Iraq and they will not stop there."
Thank goodness someone is watching out for America.

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