Saturday, September 15, 2007

TODAY! The Eagles are soaring ... Win the War!

"… An eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks. The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above it."

The Eagles are soaring in D.C. and throughout the country so come Support the Troops today!

A Gathering of Eagles


Support the Troops


Win the War!


Saturday, September 15, 2007

12:00 Noon - 1:00 p.m.

Downtown Staunton
at the Courthouse (corner of Johnson & Augusta St)

We will have signs and American flags
or bring your own

We will stand in support of the thousands of American veterans and ordinary citizens who will be in Washington, D.C. today to face the angry anti-war protesters who plan to march on the White House at noon.

Free parking available one-half block away on Johnson Street.

Info: SWAC Girl
- Gathering of Eagles: Anti-war movements death throes
- America's Victory 08: The Blogs on GOE III

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