Monday, September 03, 2007

Ward: "Support the Troops? Lefties don't even support their own children!"

Ward picks up comments from Daily Kos about a lefty whose child joined the Marines two years ago -- "brainwashed" -- without a mind of his own, so his parent says, concluding that he has gone "from intelligent to indoctrinated."

Is that what the libs mean by tolerance, inclusiveness, understanding? Good lip service ... until someone does not agree with them.

Read the whole thing here.

Have you noticed? The lefty lib bloggers are completely silent today on President Bush's visit to Iraq. The man cannot do anything right, as far as they are concerned. Is this what they mean by "supporting the troops"? The troops are thrilled to have their Commander-in-Chief visit ... and the libs are silent. What hate-filled names will they have for those of us who are proud to see him there, proud to have him as our President, and grateful that he has kept this country safe the past six years?

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