Saturday, September 01, 2007

Why are dems protesting pro-troop efforts for victory in Iraq?

Move America Forward is crossing the country heading for Washington, D.C., in support of our American troops who are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan to keep us safe from terrorism here on our own soil. So why are the democrats planning to protest such an effort?
The national Democrat Party, the Democrat Party of Nevada, the Washoe County Democrat Party and the Carson City Democrat Party have all teamed up together to organize a counter-rally against Move America Forward’s “Fight for Victory Tour” kickoff event in Carson City, Nevada on Monday, September 3, 2007.

This is fascinating to the staff and board members at Move America Forward because we welcome, and have invited to speak at our rallies, persons of ALL political parties who support our troops AND their missions in the war on terrorism.

How a major political party could organize a national effort to counter a “Fight for Victory Tour” is baffling? Do these political activists
not support Victory for U.S. troops in Iraq?

Below is just a sampling of the Democrat Party websites that we’ve come across that are mobilizing against us.

PLEASE – we urge you to help us ensure we have a giant turnout of pro-troop supporters of ALL political parties who will offer our troops the support they need to achieve SUCCESS in their missions and VICTORY for this nation. Help us spread the word of this national pro-troop caravan and 27 pro-troop rallies along the way, including our kickoff event on Monday, September 3, 2007 in Carson City, NV.
National Democrat Party
State Democrat Party of Nevada
Carson City Democrat Party

*** Complete details on Move America Forward’s rally in Carson City on Monday (and 26 other pro-troop rallies across the nation) can be found online.***

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