Friday, October 19, 2007

Augusta County: BOS candidates forum

All 11 candidates for Augusta County Board of Supervisors attended Thursday night candidate forum.

(Republican candidates, left to right)
Jeremy Shifflett, Michael Shull, Travis Smithdeal

Republican for Patures District Travis Smithdeal talks with Tom Sensabaugh

Travis preparing for forum....
Larry Howdyshell, North River (left) and Jeremy Shifflett, Beverley Manor (right).

Jeremy Shifflett, Beverley Manor (left) and Michael Shull, Riverheads (right).

Thursday night's Board of Supervisors candidates forum was held at the Weyers Cave Community Center and featured all eleven candidates with about 40 spectators. WHSV TV-3's Bob Corso moderated; media coverage was from WHSV TV-3, NBC-29, and the Waynesboro and Staunton newspapers.
The questions centered on conservation-type issues and were answered by each candidate. Many responses concerned the county's comp plan. They ended with a two-minute closing remark from each.
Out of the 11 candidates, six are farmers; one owns a store; five are current Board members; two are retired state employees.
Hope to post more on the forum later....

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