Saturday, October 06, 2007

"Defending the American Dream:" The candidates

The "Defending the American Dream" summit held by Americans For Prosperity is over ... and what a wonderful experience to hear from so many presidential candidates -- seven of them! --at one event. I had never heard any of them speak in person and, since I have not made up my mind about a candidate, have been listening to the debates and studying their issues.

One event cannot determine a decision but two candidates hit it out of the park: Rudy and Mitt.

One disappointed: Fred.

This does not negate their stands on issues -- my number one issue is national security -- but public speaking does impact people. If someone is passionate about becoming President, I like to see it come through in their remarks ... I like to be rallied and caught up in their dream of heading up the most powerful country in the world.

However ... I want a leader ... and sometimes a leader is not the most articulate person. Time will tell as I learn more about the candidates.

Other posts for "Defending the American Dream"...

- Mitt Romney
- Rudy Giuliani
- Fred Thompson
- John McCain
- Sam Brownback
- Mike Huckabee
- Ron Paul

- Bob McDonnell led the Virginia delegation
- Bob McDonnell's remarks at Virginia lunch
- State Senator Mark Obenshain
- Who was there
- College Republicans
- Washington, DC: The Nation's Capitol
- Dinesh D'Souza
- Michael Steele
- Senator Mark Obenshain
- Delegate Chris Saxman

More to come....

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