Sunday, October 07, 2007

"Defending the American Dream:" Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani captured the crowd at the "Defending the American Dream" summit at the Mayflower Hotel. As the first speaker of the day, he was charismatic, personable, funny, and comfortable in front of the fiscally conservative group.

He recounted his record as Mayor of New York City, listing all the projects that had been completed during his tenure. He talked about welfare centers that were turned into work centers. He talked about "Hillary Bonds," Hillary Clinton's recent suggestion that every baby born in American receive a $5,000 bond. He reminded us that none of the leading Democrat presidential candidates had been in charge of a city, a state, or a business ... and that he did not feel they should have on-the-job training in the White House, and called the democrats "professional spenders." He ended by saying America is a great country not because of government but because of her people.

He did not mention 9/11. He has received criticism from dems about that ... but I feel he should talk about 9/11. It was a defining moment for America and, most definitely, for New York City. Rudy Giuliani led that city through the darkest days it had ever seen, and it happened just a short six years ago. Why should he not be expected to talk about it?

I must admit I was surprised to be so enthused by Rudy. I have admired his leadership at a time of terrorism ... but do not agree with some of his other issues especially his gun control policy. I am not a one-issue voter and realize I will not agree 100% with anyone. Rudy is definitely on the short list of possibilities.

Rudy's complete remarks can be found here. Video can be seen here.

More to come....

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