Monday, October 01, 2007

Gilmore the choice of conservative leaders?

He's from a blue collar background and understands the everyday man on the street. His dad was a butcher; his mom was a church secretary. He had goals and drive and determination ... made his way through UVA Law School, became Attorney General and then Governor of Virginia ... and Jim Gilmore has not slowed down since.

An unabashed conservative, Governor Gilmore has never backed away from standing up for the unborn or drawing the line on taxes. He is being urged by conservative leaders throughout the Commonwealth to run for the U.S. Senate seat that will be vacated by John Warner.

A Washington Times article made that clear:
"We need Jim Gilmore's steady, conservative leadership in the U.S. Senate," said David Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union, and Paul Weyrich, chief executive officer of Free Congress Foundation, a District-based conservative think tank.
It may be a contest between Jim Gilmore and Rep. Tom Davis for the Republican nomination. Announcements of any candidacies will be after the November 6 election.

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