Thursday, October 18, 2007

My excelling home school student in college....

SWAC Daughter was home schooled her entire life, grades K-12, and did not attend public school. She is now in college and is going through mid-term exams this week. She just texted with the latest grade of 100 on her economics exam; earlier this week she made a 100 on sign language, 97 on business law, 96 on English. I expect she will do equally as well on her remaining subjects.

The reason I am extolling these grades is because I am proud of my daughter's achievements. She proves to doubters that home schooled students can and, indeed, do learn in a home environment under a parent's guidance ... and can then go on to higher education and do well.

My son graduated from James Madison University this year with a major in computer science and a minor in English. He was home schooled in grades 2-12 after we became disenchanted with the public school system.

I am a mom who is a high school graduate ... no college degree. I was able to teach my children at home ... and they have both done well in college. I am not alone because there are many other parents who are also successfully educating their children at home.

Home schooling works.


  1. You know, I have never heard of an instance where someone had told me they've regretted home schooling their kids -- either because of the additional work, time spend with the family, or the result.

    Thanks for posting this.

  2. Thanks, Shaun.

    Home schooling is a 24/7 commitment and is not for everyone. For those who take that road there are many rewards.

    We are a very close family and I feel that is partly due to educating the kids at home. There was no "home work" in the evenings ... that was family time so we made sure school took place during the day. We went on field trips, enjoyed hands-on history, traveled ... and I was able to tailor the curriculum to two students with different styles of learning. I worked hard at it ... and so did they.

    We were also actively involved in sports, social events, and civic activities as well as hands-on government/ politics.

    It was 16 years of commitment and I do not regret spending those years with my family. Having children is a commitment ... and teaching them at home helps build a strong foundation for the rest of their lives.

  3. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Congrats go out to you daughter...I wish I had grades like that.

    I must admit up until about 2 - 3 years ago, I was totally against home-schooling. However, after hearing the horror stories of some of our public schools and the fact that many of our teachers (not all) constantly try to brainwash their students with Liberal proproganda, I saw the light. Some of the smartest kids I know today have been home schooled.

  4. I appreciate it, GOP Rock. There are many, many success stories with home educated students. Because I was the teen coordinator for 10 years with our local home school group, I have had an interest in and kept up with "my" kids as they have graduated and gone on to higher education, the military, starting their own businesses, etc. They are studious and responsible, with a hard-driving work ethic that makes them set their own high goals ... and achieve them.

    I am sure there are those who would say that, without a college degree, I would not be able to teach my children. They were wrong ... who cared more about providing the best education for my children than I?

    Home schooled students continue to score higher on the SATs than the national average which proves that our students do well under standardized testing conditions as well as college classrooms that are out of the control of the parents. This is important for those who think parents "make up the grades."

    Believe me ... if my child didn't earn the "A," he/she didn't receive it. That gives false impressions and does nothing for the student.

    The proof, as they say, is in the pudding.
