Tuesday, October 09, 2007

RPV's 2008 legislative policy agenda for an even better Virginia

Looking ahead to an even better, safer, more prosperous and opportunity filled future, Virginia Republican leaders in the General Assembly are championing a forward-looking agenda for governing that builds upon their past accomplishments. Their positive vision – consisting of more than 20 specific policy proposals detailed so far – cover a broad range of issues that will help improve the everyday lives and livelihoods of hard-working, tax-paying and law-abiding Virginians. Republicans have pledged to enact their agenda on each of the following points in the 2008 General Assembly Session:

- Education / School Construction
- Property Taxes
- Illegal Immigration
- Health Care Reform
- Mental Health Services
- Transportation
- State Budget / Rainy Day Fund

See follow-up posts with expanded details on each issue.

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