Sunday, November 04, 2007

American Power: "Victory in Iraq? The War Has Been Won"

One of my favorite blogs from outside the Virginia blogosphere is American Power in California that offers a conservative pro-military pro-America commentary by Donald Douglas in Orange County. Donald writes:
I am a pro-victory Associate Professor of Political Science teaching in Southern California. I love my country, and I fully support current U.S. military operations around the world. I despise the hard-left radical agenda and discourse. I also abhor irrationalism in argumentation. I welcome comments and debate, and I'll defend my positions vigorously. Yet in friendship, you'll find no one more dignified, trustworthy, nor loyal.
Amazing. A conservative political science professor in California....

Donald's latest post is titled "Victory in Iraq? The War Has Been Won." It's well worth the read. I would encourage you to check out his blog and his thoughtful commentary on this and other current events.

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