Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Bolling: 2007 Election Results

RICHMOND – Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling issued the following statement today in reaction to Tuesday’s election results.

“Needless to say, I react to last night's election results with mixed emotions. I am pleased that we retained our Republican majority in the House of Delegates, but I am disappointed that we appear to have lost our Republican majority in the State Senate.”

“These were hard fought campaigns and they show the clear political division that exists in Virginia today. A number of these races were decided by very few votes, and that should send a clear message to candidates and voters alike - every vote counts!

“While Republicans continue to run very strong in most parts of Virginia, we clearly have some work to do in our state's most populous region - Northern Virginia. However, I remain convinced that we can reconnect with Northern Virginia voters if we continue to focus on putting forth a positive vision for the future of our state that focuses on the issues Virginia's families care about. That is what my 100 Ideas For The Future Of Virginia initiative is all about.

“I am very proud of the campaigns our Republican candidates ran this year. We did our best to talk about our record of accomplishment since we have been the majority party in Virginia and offer specific proposals for addressing important issues like education, transportation, health care and illegal immigration. Win or lose, that's what campaigns should be about.

“I want to thank all those dedicated people across the state that helped make these campaigns possible. By working on behalf of our candidates and providing the financial support we needed to get our message out, they are an indispensable part of the political process and our Republican team.

“Finally, I want to thank a very dedicated group of candidates for their willingness to enter the arena and run for public office. Particular thanks go to several incumbent legislators who were not reelected on Tuesday. We lost some very good legislators as a result of these elections - people like Senator Jeannemarie Devolites-Davis, Senator Jay O'Brien, Senator Nick Rerras and Delegate John Welch - and I thank them all for their service to the people of Virginia.

“We now begin preparing for the 2008 legislative session. Virginia continues to face a number of significant challenges, and we must all work together to find solutions to these challenges and build a better Virginia. I look forward to working with my colleagues in state government, Republicans and Democrats, to accomplish that important goal.”

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