Friday, November 02, 2007

My letter to editor for Republican Travis Smithdeal

To the Editor:

Travis Smithdeal is my choice for Pastures District Supervisor. He will bring a new attitude because he is a listener with a calm presence which will allow him to hear from everyone and not react without gathering information from all available sources including citizens and fellow Board members.

A native Virginian, Travis left his home state long enough to earn a Political Science degree from Belmont Abbey College and serve 10 years in the U.S. Army. As a military pilot of both helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, he served with the 10th Mountain Division as an Air Mission Commander, Air Calvary squadron platoon leader, and squadron safety engineer, and is now a member of VFW Post 3060.

Travis believes in open government with no secret meetings behind closed doors. He feels the citizens of Augusta County have the right to know what their supervisors are planning when it comes to important topics regarding jobs and land use issues such as the megasite.

A family man, Travis has been a leader in asking the Board of Supervisors to create strict zoning ordinances to limit where adult businesses that offer pornographic materials can locate in the county. He has asked that they not be allowed near schools, playgrounds, neighborhoods, churches, and other family environments.

Believing that our land is our treasure, Travis will fight for preservation of prime agriculture soil and water rights for our farmers in western Augusta County. He will work for increased 24/7 emergency personnel as well as equipping our law enforcement officers with the most updated and efficient equipment to best protect our families and neighbors. He is pro-LEGAL immigration, believing that law enforcement should be given the tools to report illegals to immigration officials.

On November 6, please vote for Travis Smithdeal. Conservative values ... common sense solutions.

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