Saturday, November 03, 2007

Waynesboro ... retail thriving in westend

The glorious Blue Ridge Mountains rise behind the new Target Shopping Center in Waynesboro.
Construction continues with Target in background.

New Sonic Drive-In located near Wal-Mart in Waynesboro.

Was over in Waynesboro and surrounding area today on campaign business so decided to stop in the new Target store to check it out and pick up a few things. The location is beautiful ... it's where the old Outlet Mall used to be ... with the Blue Ridge Mountains prominent in the background. Michael's and Pet Smart are open as well as several smaller stores. Kohl's is under construction.

After finishing at Target we headed across the interstate to the westend shopping hub and ate lunch at the just-opened-a-week-ago Sonic's Drive-In which was packed with the lunch crowd. As we munched on fast food we talked about the Sonic's that we had eaten at years ago in Wyoming ... it was flat and blustery and everything on the window trays blew away in the persistent, constant wind.

Waynesboro has done a great job attracting retail outlets to their westend. It was busy today with cars and shoppers which creates a good tax base for the city. It was the vision of Reo Hatfield, Frank Lucent, and Tim Williams on City Council that brought such a bustling economy to a city that had fallen somewhat on hard times. In thanks, the citizens voted Reo out of office because they forgot what he had done to help the city ... but his vision lives on.

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