Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Local delegates support abortion bill in House

Rockingham County Del. Matt Lohr's bill placing greater regulation on abortion clinics was passed in the House of Delegates Tuesday. Lohr (R-Broadway) had the support of his fellow Shenandoah Valley delegates Todd Gilbert (R-Woodstock), Chris Saxman (R-Staunton), Steve Landes (R-Weyers Cave), and Ben Cline (R-Lexington).

The bill, which passed by 60-37, calls for "state licensing of all abortion clinics, not including a hospital or an ambulatory surgery center, in which 25 or more first trimester abortions are performed in any 12-month period," according to the Harrisonburg Daily News Record.

Now it faces the Senate where it is expected to face more opposition. Valley Senators Mark Obenshain and Emmett Hanger will be in on that vote.

Cross-posted at

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