Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Shenandoah winter woods....

Exploring Augusta back roads on a wintry January Monday that saw snow flurries throughout the day.
These mountain streams were dry in October with fire bans in effect for the national forests.

In the winter woods the evergreen hemlocks stand out....

It was overcast and cold all day ... a gray mid-winter day.

Valley view across pastures looking toward Buffalo Gap and the mountains we were going to explore....
Yesterday, on a wintry gray day, SWAC Husband and I took some time to drive the back roads of western Augusta County. While out we stopped by to talk with Yankee Phil where the cold, wind, and snow flurries made for brisk conditions on a mid-winter day.
Driving on back roads into the mountains the flurries picked up ... the solitude was comforting ... the mountain air was cold and refreshing ... the streams were noisy and boisterous rushing downhill ... the bare mountain woods exposed new views and sights. Daytime temps are expected to be in the 20s and 30s with possible snow in the forecast later in the week. Many are waiting for the first substantial snowfall....
Photos by SWAC Girl


  1. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Beautiful piece of property you have there in Pastures District. :) It was great to visit although c-o-l-d....
