Thursday, February 14, 2008

Berkeley "Support the Troops" rally phenomenal success!

To all of our friends and supporters at Move America Forward...

On Friday afternoon we will be publishing a comprehensive report on what happened in Berkeley, California on Tuesday - when thousands of you joined together to tell the Berkeley City Council that we would not tolerate their attacks against our military men and women.

You'll be able to find the report on our website.

Suffice it to say - it was a day where TV news helicopters hovered in the skies, more than 2,000 people (according to media reports) protested in the streets, and the outrage grew so large that Alvita King (niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) was on the phone with one of our supporters counseling her on how to best protest the egregious actions of the city of Berkeley.

The anti-military activists who had worked with the City of Berkley to first pass the anti-Marine resolution burned multiple U.S. flags that day. What was most offensive is that they were flags that they had stolen from Move America Forward's booths. Apparently there's a shortage of U.S. flags left to burn in Berkeley, CA.

In one instance their pyrotechnics got so carried away that they burned down a sign for "Peace Wall" while trying to burn a U.S. flag.

These people are disgusting. We don't say that lightly, for while we may disagree with those in the anti-war movement, we know that many of them are simply misguided or naive.

But no, these people who worked with the Berkeley City Council Peace & Justice Commission are disgusting, vile, people. In Berkeley, the virulent anti-military radicals are not just activists, they part of the local government.

At the end of the day, a majority of the City Council expressed apologies for their misguided actions. The problem is, of the contingent willing to admit they were wrong there was not agreement on who to apologize to - some said apologize to the troops, another said apologize to the citizens of Berkeley, and one even said to apologize to pro-troop organizations who found that Berkeley had given preferential Free Speech rights to Code Pink over other groups with "less popular" views.

As one of our Move America Forward supporters said:

They couldn't get a majority to agree on WHAT SPECIFICALLY they screwed up on, but they knew that they had made a disgrace out of Berkeley, and you know what -- in an odd way they managed to unite this country behind our troops at a time when the Code Pink crowd are trying to undermine support for the troops.

Again - tomorrow afternoon Pacific time (that's in the evening for you folks on the East Coast) we'll have a complete update to the Move America Forward website.

A giant THANK YOU to all of our supporters who came and joined us for part of the all-day, all-night affair, or who wrote emails to the City Council, or who made donations to help pay for the entire effort.

You've all made history: you got the Berkeley City Council to back down from attacks on our troops at a time of war - amazing work, everyone!

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