Friday, February 15, 2008

Jim Gilmore announces campaign directors

Jim Gilmore announced today the appointment of three new campaign directors for his U.S. Senate bid in preparation for the fall elections. These three new appointees are Josh Novotney as Finance Director, Matt Wells as Political Director, and Ana Gamonal as Communications Director.

Prior to joining the Jim Gilmore for Senate campaign as Finance Director, Novotney worked for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, where he was director of two of the national major donor fundraising programs.

Wells, the campaign's new Political Director, was most recently with the Republican Party of Virginia where he worked as its Central Political Director. He has successfully directed the political and organizational side for a variety of Republican campaigns including Bill Bolling's Campaign for Lt. Governor, Delegate Chris Peace 97th District Special Election and former Senator George Allen's Senate Campaign.

Gamonal, his new Communications Director most recently worked as a Communications Consultant and is a former Bush Administration official, having worked at the State Department as Director of one of its public affairs offices. She is also a former Outreach Director for the Republican National Committee, having gotten her start in politics as a press secretary on Capitol Hill.

"I am extremely pleased to have recruited these three experienced political professionals to work on our behalf. They possess the type of qualifications and previous political experience that will help us shape a winning campaign organization in Virginia," stated Gilmore regarding these new appointees.

Cross-posted at Bloggers 4 Jim Gilmore

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