Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Local's appearance on "American Idol" pulled many to nightspots....

Reporter Sage Merritt and photographer Rosanne Weber of the Waynesboro News Virginian interacted with patrons at the Clocktower Restaurant in downtown Staunton Tuesday night as locals flocked around the usual TVs placed around the restaurant as well as the large-screen TV specifically brought in for the big event.

Local resident Colton Berry was appearing on "American Idol" ... and SWAC area residents gathered to see how this young man would do. Some knew the 18-year-old; others who had never met him were proud, nonetheless, of a local young man trying to make it big.

Quoted in the News Virginian was SWACer Alex Davis who knows Berry from high school and local theater:
"He did well," said Alex Davis, 20. "It takes a lot to get up there and compete with folks from around the country. Getting one of Staunton's own out there is definitely a good thing."
At 10:00 when the show went off the air, cell phones went into action to vote for Berry. Results will be announced on a live episode of "American Idol" on Fox Thursday night at 8:00. If Berry makes it past that, he will appear again next week.

As one who has not watched "American Idol," it was intriguing to think that the hometown boy was on national TV. It still didn't stop me from half-seriously asking the waitress if we could turn the big screen TV to the presidential returns to catch primary news. The ultimate political junkie....

Good luck to Colton Berry.

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