Friday, March 14, 2008

70 degrees in the Shenandoah Valley ... first signs of spring

Crocus were the first to bloom right outside the front door.

This is the only forsythia bush blooming out of a dozen.

Northern mountains as seen from my house.

Only a few jonquils are blooming so far....

This is the maple tree I can see outside from my desk. The wind was blowing the branch so hard it blurred the photo.

Same maple tree with a downy woodpecker (I believe) on the suet cake at the feeder. We have three types of woodpeckers at our house.

The winter woods offered a sharp contrast to the blooming plants in the yard.

Wood waiting to be split and seasoned for next year's winter.

The trees and bushes along this fenceline provide shelter and housing for numerous birds.

Garden is waiting to be plowed....

Western mountains as seen from my house.

Swing is waiting for the warm days of spring and summer....

Nandina bushes have been loaded with berries....

Spring is still a week away but it was a beautiful day in the Valley. It was 70 degrees at my house, mostly sunny, and an extremely stiff breeze that had enough coolness to it to need a sweater. No matter ... it was gorgeous outside with clouds on the horizon and rain in the forecast.

After working all morning, I finally grabbed my camera and went outside to enjoy the afternoon. The maple tree that is visible out the window from my desk is bright red with newly-formed leaf buds which made me wonder if there were more plants that were budding or blooming.

There was a sharp contrast between the winter woods that were still barren ... and the green, red, and yellows in the yard. Winter is not over -- the first day of spring could find us in a winter wonderland -- and cold weather will be back tomorrow. Our safe frost date is May 15, still another two months away. But while it is warm we will enjoy time on the deck or walking in the woods or admiring each new flowering plant in the yard.

Spring is on its way....

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