Friday, April 04, 2008

Churchville woman, 85, found dead at isolated Buffalo Gap car accident

Old Parkersburg Turnpike

The old Parkersburg Turnpike is a gravel road that turns off Rt. 42 in Buffalo Gap and climbs up into the national forest and crosses the mountains, eventually ending up in Deerfield or a variety of other locations depending on which crossroad you take. It is isolated and generally not where one would expect to find an 85-year-old lady driving alone.

Apparently Virginia Stokes Harris missed a sharp curve and plunged over the edge of the road, hitting a tree, but the exact time and cause is unknown because her vehicle was discovered by another motorist after the fact, and Ms. Harris was already dead when the wreck was found.

This road is a favorite route for me when I'm traveling the backroads of Augusta County so it is sad to think the place that brings me so much pleasure and solitude was tragic to someone else. Our prayers go out to her family and friends.

Photos by SWAC Girl

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