Thursday, May 15, 2008

Augusta GOP: Is a one-sided report "fact"? Time to move ahead....

The 6th District "fact-finding" report that has been talked about by Larry Roller and others is a farce. Why? Because it is one-sided.

At no time did they talk with Chairman Kurt Michael or anyone from his side.

That is significant because a "factual" report cannot be factual unless both sides are represented.

Irregardless, they took one side of the story and built a report with errors throughout. The report was shot down by 6th District leadership. That should give pause to those who continue to say the chairmanship is up for grabs.

It was decided by the full 6th District Committee that Kurt Michael was the legal chairman of the Augusta County Republican Committee. Meanwhile, Larry Roller and his Hanger supporters continue to whine to any reporter who will listen to their story.

There is work to be done and that is what Kurt Michael is doing. A SWAC-GOP breakfast last weekend brought out thirty local Republicans to hear legislative updates from Delegates Chris Saxman and Ben Cline, and to hear from newly-elected Staunton Councilwoman Andrea Oakes.

Work continues on campaigns. Last week Republicans made substantial inroads in Waynesboro and Staunton city council elections. The Republican State convention is coming up ... our Congressman has competition from the other side so his campaign team is in place to hold that position ... delegates have been voted for the Republican National Convention.

It's time to move ahead in this political season.

That is why we are here ... not for the power games being played by the other side. We are moving ahead to fight the real enemy ... the democrats.

Play ball!

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