Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Democrats Kaine, Saslaw at odds over transportation issue

"We have a governor who talks about bipartisan cooperation but has not led effectively even within his own party."
House Majority Leader Morgan Griffith (R-Salem)

It is in interesting that Democrat Governor Tim Kaine and Democrat Senate Majority Leader Richard Saslaw are at odds and not working together on the governor's proposed transportation tax hikes. With a senate that is 21-19 in the Democrats' favor, it will be difficult to have a bill passed without bipartisan support ... and support that had previously been there from RINO senators may be missing this time.

The Washington Post wrote:
Senate Minority Leader Thomas K. Norment Jr. (R-James City) said Republicans, who have joined with Democrats in the past in support of some tax increases, will not be supporting any statewide tax increase unless they first receive assurance that it also stands a chance in the House.
Last year, two moderate Senate Republicans lost to conservative GOP challengers in legislative primaries over their support for tax increases.
The continued strength of the anti-tax movement in Virginia was evident at last month's GOP convention. Del. Robert G. Marshall (R-Prince William), a fierce critic of taxes, nearly upset former governor James S. Gilmore III for the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate.

"The party leadership is starting to get that message," Marshall said. "They are not going to support a tax increase."
Maybe having groups like Americans For Prosperity who are for responsible spending rallying on the Capitol grounds helps get the message through to Republican legislators. Maybe being opposed during primaries and elections helps get the message through. Maybe the fact that so many citizens are speaking up to ask government to rein in its spending just as those citizens have had to do is getting the message through.

Whatever it is ... let's hope citizens continue to speak up and speak out.

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