Thursday, June 19, 2008

Is Kaine in trouble with Democrats?

VA GOP Caucus reports that even the Democrats are not supporting Kaine in his proposed tax hike for transportation. He reports:
Governor Kaine had a press conference today which proved once again that he has little to no support for his Transportation Plan. House Minority Leader Ward Armstrong is currently the only patron on this bill and only 10 Democratic legislators even bothered to show up!

Every SINGLE SENATE DEMOCRAT refused to introduce Kaine's bill!!!!
Hmmm. Not good for the governor as he prepares for the special session of the General Assembly next week.

VA GOP Caucus also reports that the governor's approval numbers are dropping:
... Governor Kaine's current approval rating is now at 46% with a disapproval rating of 30%. These numbers mean that since Kaine began his Town Hall meetings six weeks ago to tout his Transportation Plan which pushes for a drastic increase in statewide taxes ... his job approval rating has PLUMMETED 15 POINTS.
We attended Kaine's transportation townhall meeting here in Staunton with other Americans For Prosperity supporters to show disapproval of his proposed tax hikes. It sounds as if we are not the only ones he has heard from during his trip around the Commonwealth.

Check out VA Gop Caucus' site for more.

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