Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Augusta BOS meeting tonight ... fireworks?

Why was a proposed county development project off by $100,000 to the company's favor, a mistake that has been admitted by the company after being called to their attention by Supervisor Tracy Pyles?

Those same figures had been looked at by the county administrator Pat Coffield, county commissioner of revenue Jean Shrewsbury, county attorney Patrick Morgan, and VDOT, according to the News Leader which was going by what Supervisor Wendell Coleman told them.

Mr. Pyles sent a letter to the editor earlier this week expressing his dissatisfaction at the deal and pointing out the $100,000 mistake. Today's News Leader reported:
Pyles accused the developer of overestimating the cost of the road project so that the county would end up having to pay up to $3.7 million while the developer would end up paying nothing.

Pyles also said he found a miscalculation in the deal that would cost the county about $100,000.
The developer says it's not true while admitting the $100,000 error was an honest mistake. So who is right?

The Augusta County Board of Supervisors meeting is tonight at 7:00 p.m. at the Augusta County Government Center in Verona. There could be fireworks.

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