Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Hey Moonbats ... President Bush is celebrating new American citizens

Update: Welcome to Charlottesville, President Bush

Soon after it was announced several days ago that President Bush will be speaking at Monticello for the annual Independence Day citizenship swearing-in ceremony, the Charlottesville Center for Peace & Justice (CCP&J) expressed its intent to stage protests at Monticello, to disrupt Bush's appearance, referring to him as a "war criminal" and a "fascist, blood-soaked murderer."
Even more dismaying, the CCP&J is attempting to justify its actions by implying that Thomas Jefferson would approve of its beliefs and actions.

For many years, the CCP&J has enjoyed a relatively criticism-free existence. After all, who could possibly be opposed to a group that is (supposedly) devoted to "peace" and "justice"? Many non-leftists in central Virginia, however, oppose the CCP&J's hate-filled, vicious propaganda, which vilifies America and its leadership, military personnel, economic system and founding principles – while excusing or ignoring the shocking actions and ideologies of our most dangerous enemies. And many are troubled by the fact that the CCP&J has been given (de facto) carte blanche to proselytize in our schools, while groups wishing to present opposing opinions and information have faced increasing bureaucratic hurdles.

The time for looking the other way while the CCP&J gets a "free pass" is over, especially now that it is planning to disrupt what is, and should be, a non-partisan event at Thomas Jefferson's beloved home. For as Edmund Burke (1729-1797) stated so well, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

In the interests of doing something, the blog "Welcome To Charlottesville, President Bush" was created, to contain a variety of useful information with which to counter the CCP&J's actions and propaganda.

If you agree that this information should be considered as we approach America's 232nd birthday – particularly here in Charlottesville, one of the proverbial "cradles of liberty" – please forward it along to your friends. And if you have particular information that you think should be added to this blog, please leave a detailed comment -- or even better, become a guest writer.

Email your suggestions to tj411cville@gmail.com for consideration.Thank you.

"We are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it." --Thomas Jefferson to William Roscoe, 1820

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