Tuesday, July 08, 2008

NC Sen. Jesse Helms and the Left

I read it in the Virginia blogosphere ... hate-filled comments from those left of center about Republican Sen. Jesse Helms from North Carolina who died on the 4th of July. It seems that whenever a conservative dies -- Jerry Falwell, who passed away last year, comes to mind -- the liberals in this country go on a bashing spree -- and get away with it.

Democrat Sen. Ted Kennedy is currently undergoing chemotherapy for a malignant brain tumor. The prognosis does not look good. Will the rightospehere laugh and heckle and dance on his grave when he passes away?

By and large I have not seen that kind of behavior from conservatives. All too much I have seen it from liberals.

Where is common courtesy and respect?

I lived in North Carolina for 12 years during Sen. Helms' time in office. I was in the mountainous rural area ... and people there loved him. He spoke the common sense they knew and that was what he was elected to do -- represent the people of his state.

So while the libs may howl with glee that he has now passed on to a greater reward, the sadness of those who will miss him is louder ... and his representation of those everyday working folks from the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean to the mountains of Blowing Rock and Asheville ... will be remembered.

Jesse Helms -- 1921-2008.


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    He was a hateful racist. Where on the left do you see something like that?

  2. Democrat Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia immediately comes to mind. He was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, and used the "n" word on TV as recently as two years ago.

    Most members of the Democrat Party were not for equal rights in the 1960s ... that was the Republican Party. Type "Republicans for Civil Rights" in the Google search engine and start reading. Try this one: http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2004/7/6/105527.shtml

    When someone dies, it is not the time to dance on their grave just because you disagreed with them.

  3. A response from Anonymous who, for one, won't stand up and tell who he/she is, was not published because it got into name-calling.

  4. "Anonymous" is a name used by people who lack the integrity to stand for what they believe.

    Those of us on the "right" agree with Sen. Ted Kennedy about 1% of the time and that's a liberal estimate. Though we may not agree with the mans politics, I know not a single conservative that would wish cancer upon him. The one thing that knows no political affiliation is the desire for the human spirit to triumph and cancer to lose.

    God speed to Sen. Kennedy's recovery so we can get back to honest debate on policy.
