Saturday, July 05, 2008

Part 3 - Staunton 4th of July parade photos

Congressman Bob Goodlatte talks with Cindy and Joe Steele before the parade. They are members of the Augusta County Republican Committee; Cindy rode the float along with her 94-year-old mother, and Joe walked with the Congressman. David Karaffa was in the background.

Staunton GOP Grassroots Coordinator Alex Davis with Del. Chris Saxman before the parade. Alex was in charge of the GOP booth and walked the parade.
Congressman Bob Goodlatte
Del. Ben Cline greets parade watchers along the 1.5-mile route around Gypsy Hill Park.
Mary Ellen Goodlatte walked the parade route with her husband.

Yankee Phil walked the route with the Congressman while his two boys rode the float.
Del. Ben Cline (right in blue shirt) greets Marine League members along the parade route.
Photos by SWAC Girl

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