Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Vets for Freedom endorse candidates

On Tuesday Vets for Freedom rolled out the endorsements of 5 more candidates running for the United States Congress, most who have worn the uniform, all who strongly believe in the mission of our organization, as well as our nation's efforts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Global War on Terror.

The candidates include extraordinary Americans – patriots such as Tom Manion, who spent 20 years in the United States Marine Corps and who gave his son in service to our country. I encourage you to watch his VIDEO made in honor of his son Travis, who lost his life in Iraq in 2007.

Included in the list is Duane Sand from North Dakota, the gentleman I met at the 2000 Republican Convention in Philly and ran into again at the 2007 Americans For Prosperity Summit in D.C. I admire him for being willing to run for public office to stand up for what he believes.

Below are all of the candidates – help support them by visiting their websites.

Tom Manion (PA-08) is a former Colonel in the Marine Corps, successful business executive, and Gold Star Parent whose son was killed in Iraq.

Steve Stivers (OH-15) is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army National Guard who was awarded the Bronze Star for actions in OIF.

Jeff Beatty (Senate–MA) is a former member of Delta Force, to FBI Hostage Rescue Team, to CIA's Counter-Terrorism Center.

Mike Rocque (NY-20) is a former officer in the Green Berets and Delta Force.

Allen West (FL-22) is a former LTC who served with distinction in Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom, earning a Bronze Star, three Meritorious Service Medals, three Army Commendation Medals (one with Valor), and a Valorous Unit Award.

Lee Zeldin (NY-1) served in Iraq with the 82nd Airborne Division and continues to serve as a Captain in the Army Reserves.

Duane Sand (ND-At Large) is a Commander in the Navy who served in Iraq, and aboard 3 nuclear submarines throughout the 1990's.

Kent Greenough (TN-04) is a former Marine whose family emulates service to ones country.

Tom Rooney (FL-16) served as an Army JAG for four years before teaching Constitutional and Criminal Law at the United States Military Academy at West Point.

Duncan Hunter (CA-52) signed up to serve our country the day after September 11th, and served two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan with the United States Marine Corps. He remains in the Marine Reserves.

John Cornyn (Senate–TX) is a first-term Texas Senator who is active in the Senate Armed Services Committee and a strong supporter of veterans and active duty military.

Dean Andal (CA-11) is a strong supporter of the military and veterans, and is a member of the Employer Support Council for the US National Guard.

Mark Ellmore (VA-08) is a Red Star parent whose son is currently deployed overseas in the Air Force.All of these men have either worn the uniform or understand what is at stake in the Global War on Terrorism, and will fight for victory if elected to Congress. Please visit our website for more information.

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