Monday, September 29, 2008

Franklin Graham addressed Augusta County residents Sunday

SWAC Daughter and Alex Davis arrived at the church early Sunday morning to be assured of getting good seats in the sanctuary to hear Franklin Graham address Augusta area residents ... and they were rewarded with a seat on the fifth row of pews.

The son of Billy Graham, Franklin was there to honor his great-great-great-great-grandfather who had served as pastor of the church from 1791-1818. Over 1,000 people had tickets.

A story in today's Waynesboro News Virginian gives more details of the sermon held at Tinkling Spring Presbyterian Church in Fishersville. When SWAC Daughter was asked how the sermon was, she replied that it was very inspirational and she enjoyed hearing the history of how Franklin Graham was connected to the church.

Franklin is now President and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

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