Monday, November 10, 2008

Did the media help defeat John McCain?

Very interesting read from Brent Bozell about the media's role in the McCain-Obama presidential campaign:
Obama faced none of the withering scrutiny applied to even the Republican vice presidential candidate. Instead, he was treated to a nearly constant string of encomiums and tributes to his transformational candidacy, while nearly every possible pitfall of political embarrassment or inconvenience has been omitted or dismissed.

The investigative resources of the networks -- who combed over Wasilla, Alaska, looking for earmarks and pregnancy tests -- showed a complete disinterest in traveling to Hawaii or the South Side of Chicago to cast a skeptical eye on any part of Obama's own preferred campaign narrative.

The big question now: If the media couldn't scrutinize the man before he was elected, why would they feel the drive to do so afterward? They won't. They worked for his election. They will now work for his administration. Past is prologue.
Sad that the media in this country cannot be fair and balanced. We will continue to work toward that.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed they did, I watched CNN reporters actually go out of their way to try to cover up every Obama lie, Gaffe and factoid.

    I honestly can't even pick up our own Daily news leader now without getting a little sick to the stomach. This weekend I had to read several pages of how much like JFK Obama is!! I don't know if I'd want to be compared that sharply to someone who died so tragically.
