Monday, November 10, 2008

Send words of support to Sarah Palin ...

From the Greene County Republican Chairman ...

If you are a supporter of Sarah Palin-type consevativism, I ask that you mail a post card to her telling her how much you appreciated her efforts and look forward to supporting her in 2012. A letter will take too long to get through the system. Folks inside the 495 beltway both Dems and Republicans will try to go after her even more.

The address:
Governor Sarah Palin
Alaska State Capital Building- Third Floor
PO Box 11001
Juneau, AK 99811-0001
Sarah Palin and her family do not deserve the negative media attacks they have endured. They deserve thanks for being willing to be a part of the campaign process in America.


  1. I'm not sure how I feel personally. I think we were drawn to Palin as her ideals were a sharp contrast to McCain's Mushy half Liberal stances. But I don't think she performed as strongly as I would expect from a strong Conservative candidate. To take things back we need someone truly exceptional and I'm not sure if that is her.

    After 4 years of Jimmy Carter Obama, we need a new Reagan to rise from the ashes. Heck the next one in line has to be better than Reagan.

    I think her performance in the debates and reminding folks they are "Mavericks" more than answering questions put a lot of hurt on the campaign and made a lot of people shaky about how they feel about her being President.

    I hope she goes on to great things and keeps putting up the good fight, but she needs much more experience under her belt for a comeback.

  2. We have Barack Obama and his limited experience in government who won election to the presidency.

    I personally think Sarah Palin has a better grasp of government by the executive positions she has held especially leading as the governor of Alaska.

    In the words of Fred Barnes, she is the "rising star" of the Republican Party.

    Sarah Palin in one to keep an eye on. She inspires the conservative base, she is not ashamed to state her conservative values, and she is a fighter ... all attributes we need in our next leader.

    We shall see what Republican Phoenix rises from the ashes of the 2008 campaign cycle ... but don't be surprised if Sarah is there among the leaders.
