Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Thank you Pastures District GOP volunteers

Dear Pastures District Volunteers:

The overall contest did not turn out the way we had hoped ... but I wanted to thank all of you for the outstanding job you did for Election Day 2008. Though Virginia went blue, Augusta County remained bright red! With everyone pitching in to help with signs, poll workers, drivers, and everything else that was needed, we were able to bring in great numbers for our District.

Augusta brought in 69.35% for John McCain, not quite as high as the 76% from the 2004 George W. Bush election, but enough to place us among the top vote getters for Republicans in the Commonwealth.

Our individual precinct returns for John McCain were:

- Buffalo Gap: 72.55%
- Cedar Green: 63.83%
- Churchville: 72.82%
- Craigsville: 68.17%
- Deerfield: 74.87%

Through the drizzly rain, you pitched in and helped carry the load with true servants' hearts. Please know that it is very much appreciated. We took some hits as Republicans and in the upcoming months and years we will need your help to pull our Party back together for future battles against our Democratic opponents.

The heart of the Augusta County Republican Committee is our volunteers ... and I thank each and everyone of you. Please feel free to contact me if I can help with anything.

With humble thanks,

Lynn Mitchell
Chairman, Pastures Magisterial District

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