Friday, December 26, 2008

An Augusta County family's journey to Afton's "Bethlehem"

[On Christmas Eve, I received the following email from Augusta County businessman Tom Sheets. I had written about the Bethlehem Village at Afton in the SWAC-GOP News and on this blog, and he wrote to tell me of his experience. With permission, I share his heart-warming message.]
Last Friday night, three not-so-wise people set out on a journey to find Bethlehem. The night seemed to be darker than normal, particularly when they could not locate what they came for. While traveling further down the mountain and questioning the driver’s lack of direction, there suddenly appeared in the East a beam of light which led us not only to Bethlehem but right to the manger!

In today’s world with shrinking economies and increasing trials and turmoil, the story of the birth of Jesus is as meaningful as ever. The light never left this world –- some people are now more receptive.

I “gave up” my Friday night with my usual cast of characters and asked my mother-in-law and [wife] Peggy to come with me. We all were moved by the light symbolism and the atmosphere of Bethlehem -– of course we know the story -– but this year it was good to refresh our faith.

I was not aware of this display until your email -– thank you!

We have shared this story with our church and several have taken their own “personal” journey.

Thank you again and God Bless you and your family.

Merry Christmas!

My thanks for allowing the story to be shared.

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