Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bacon's Rebellion and James Atticus Bowden

The new edition of Bacon's Rebellion e-zine is out under the management of the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy with articles from Mike Thompson, Michele Sessions, John Palatiello, Michael Cecire, Patrick McSweeney, David Schnare, James Atticus Bowden, and Frank Kilgore.

Jim Bowden's contribution this month is Virginia Republicans' Challenge in 2009 as he ponders the past and future of the Republican Party:
If Virginia voted for a Democrat for President for the first time in 44 years, how can Virginia vote for a Republican for Governor for the first time in 12 years? Will the Democrats win the Virginia House like they did the Senate in ’07? What must Republican candidates do?

Run as conservatives. Repent for the past by running for an honest conservative future: spend less, tax less, fix transportation and let the market lead us to energy independence.
Good reading from Bacon's Rebellion.

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