Thursday, December 18, 2008

It was a Rudolph kind of night ...

After a foggy, misty day in the Augusta County area, the night became even foggier and mistier.

Driving home tonight after meeting friends for dinner (and catching up on the news and exchanging Christmas gifts), it occurred to me it was a Rudolph night. The fog was thick and there was mist on the windshield, becoming more so the closer I got to home. I had my eyes peeled for deer and, though I saw a dead one on the shoulder of the bypass, I was home free until ...

... I pulled into my driveway ... and a deer shot across in front of me. I slammed on the brakes as it bolted to the other side of the yard, then stopped and looked at me. I looked where it had come from and there was another deer standing and watching.

I've had deer run across in front of me on the bypass. I've had deer run across in front of me on the main road. I've even had them run across in front of me on the street where I live.

But this was a first ... to have a deer bolt across in front of me in my own driveway. I could have used Rudolph's help seeing my way home through the fog ... but I didn't need the others.

Yep ... it was a Rudolph kind of night.

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