Sunday, December 21, 2008

Spiders take down Grizzlies ... congrats, University of Richmond!

What a win Friday night for the University of Richmond's Spiders! They were the champions of the NCAA 2008 Division I Football Championship ... their first national title ... beating Montana (who has shot down Harrisonburg's James Madison University the week before) for a 24-7 finish.

Part of the incredible journey is the story of Coach Mike London, 1983 UR graduate and former Richmond cop, who was appointed head coach at UR in January 2008.

Congratulations to UR and students/alumni.

Way to go, Spiders!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Still would have liked it to be a JMU v. UR matchup but its good for the State regardless. Good for them.
